Hello, busy people. Welcome back to blog Sirius. We are back with another interesting blog “30 amazing facts about women.”
1)Generally, women speak 20,000 words per day whereas men speak only 7000 words.
2)Women spend nearly 1 year of their life to decide what to wear.

3)On an average woman cry, 30 to 64 times a year whereas men cry 6 to 17 times.
4)Women will be very nice to someone when they need something.
5)The popular complaint of a woman is “I have nothing to wear”.
6)Woman heart beats faster than a man.
7)Only 2% of women consider and describe themselves as beautiful.
8)Women never listen to advice but they love to give advice.
9)The word woman came from the Middle English word “WIFMAN” which means the wife of a man.
10)On an average woman eat 2-3 kilos of lipstick in their lifetime.

11)A woman will easily trust someone who hugs her for more than 15 seconds.
12)Women live longer than men because women immune system age slower.
13)Women are always suspicious of their man.
14)women like men with a sense of humour.
15)Women make decisions on the basis of emotion but not on logic.
16)The popular lie what woman says is that “I am fine”.
17)Women always check their looks even before going to bed.
18)Gossiping is the favourite part of any women.

19)Women hate it when you make them wait.
20)Women always want somebody to always compliment them.
21)Women will feel sadder when they come to know that their loved person is not missing her.
22)A woman cant keep a secret for more than 47hours without telling anyone.
23) A woman always like a man who asks their advice.
24)Woman are mature outside but childish inside.
25)A woman never gets satisfied for their dressing but always expects men to compliment them.
26)Woman believes in savings but they buy expensive clothes.
27)Women never expect a negative answer to the question “How am I looking?”
28)Women always get ready not to impress men but to make other women jealous.
29)Women reach full emotional maturity at the age of 32 whereas men get it at the age of 43.
30)Women love holding their loved one's hands.

Every woman is beautiful from inside it takes one perfect guy to look at their beauty. Comment your favourite fact about girls in the comment section. Subscribe to our channel. Stay tuned.